241 Hanley Industrial Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63144
In today’s world, there is a specific order you must follow when establishing your practice’s brand and marketing strategy. This framework will lay out the exact steps you can take to becomes a top-performing practice.
A way to view how your practice gains and keeps patients. Improvements in the funnel will lead to greater cash flow and natural geometric growth from referrals. referrals. From start to finish, the funnel is designed to highlight the logical path of the patient’s interaction that eventually leads to a financial transaction.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.”
A map is only valuable if you know where you are now, where you want to go, and the path to get there. The gap between point A and B includes obstacles, challenges, and opportunities. This simple yet powerful exercise will help you identify the 3 components of the dental practice map.
Partner at Clear to Launch Dental Solutions, Joseph Lucido, explains why most dental practices are losing patients to modern practices. This is a problem many dentists don’t see coming and it’s slowly eating away at their bottom line.
Over the next 40-min, you will learn why this is happening and the 3-step plan to ensure your practice wins the battle for the best patients.
To schedule a complimentary session to review these documents and discuss your practice more in-depth, email lisa@cleartolaunchdental.com